
eGame Provider

High Revenue Players

High roller player It is pretty well-known that a casino's revenue is an 80/20 split. This means that 20% of a customer base makes up to 80% of the businesses' cash flow.

Why is this knowledge important? It's important because it shows the correlation of money in and number of customers may not be that simple. It may be beneficial to the business operators to dig in to their available customer data and understand who their customers are, and what are they spending their money on (or in the casino's case, what game are they leaning towards).

Once the operator has a better understanding of who his customer base is, it's time to separate his good customers (the top 20%) from his regular customers (the other 80%). In order to do this, there are myriad of tracking options available, ranging from manual tracking by a cashier, to full featured personalized magnetic swipe cards which are given out to players.

It is no secret people like to feel important, or at least feel like they are "a cut above" the rest. If these same people are contributing to sustaining the operation, why not give them just that?

In Las Vegas, this tradition has been around for a long time, with casino hosts always knowing who the high rollers, VIP'S, and other similar people are, what games they prefer, what kind of comps they appreciate, and other similar details. The purpose of this is for the host to arm himself with the most knowledge of his premium players, and offer rewards that cater specifically to said players, which in turn will make them feel more "important" or "rewarded", making them more likely to return to the establishment and keep spending their funds.

For operators, it is important to also understand the size and scale of their operation. While high rollers in Las Vegas may spend tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in a single night at the casino, a small internet café simply cannot expect to have the same level of income as a big casino. This is why the operator should tailor his prizes in relation to the expected reality of his shop. While an internet café casino may not have the resources to comp players a suite in a luxury hotel, or tickets to a cruise; but by simply rewarding players with a dinner for two at a restaurant, tickets to see a show for the player and his wife (or husband), or any kind of reward that will show an appreciation for these particular customers on behalf of the establishment.

The previous examples are a small selection of options the operator can implement in his internet café casino, slot hall, or gaming room. Some business owners forgot these, and instead place a "leaderboard" of some sort in the establishment; others may have periodical prize draws, where the top players are entered in a type of raffle, with the opportunity to win prizes of different kinds.

In the end, people generally like to feel important, or at least they like to have the impression they are "above" the rest. When these people are the same ones who contribute over half of a businesses' income, why not contribute to this illusion by taking a few simple measures, which in the end, all these small details add up to something larger than the sum of its parts, usually resulting in a successful operation.


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